If you’re ever heard of the saying not only for the known, but also the unknown, then you have a pretty good idea about Crossfit already. The unique fitness program is designed to prepare mind and body for whatever life throws at you, and promotes a healthy lifestyle with exercise and balanced diets. If you’ve ever wondered if Crossfit is right for you, I went ahead and discovered everything there is to know about the program!
What Is Crossfit?
Before looking into myself, whenever I heard Crossfit, I could picture only very muscular, very tan bodybuilders. I always dismissed Crossfit as something only a true professional could pull off, never me. In all honesty, what the program really tends to be a bit more different than the assumptions that a lot of people make.
So, what is Crossfit? Essentially, it’s a group-centric community of members who take training courses and classes together with the idea of getting into better shape. It’s a workout program and a community, but it also helps to incorporate a healthy diet and habits alongside the physical focus.
Many different goals are present in the program. Weight loss, growing stronger, and pushing your physical limits as well as training for specific athletic events (like marathons or triathlons) are the most common uses for Crossfit. Typically, workouts with the Crossfit program are very challenging, so not many people know that it can be for a beginner, too.
What Is A Crossfit Woman?
The term “Crossfit woman” was coined way back when the program first started to become popular in the early 2000s. Since being involved in the program is a pretty big commitment, not to mention a lifestyle change, it’s understandable that the women involved started to find a specific sort of “identity” within the community.
A Crossfit woman is someone who participates in the Crossfit program, follows the lifestyle, and usually helps others get started in it as well. She understands that we all start somewhere, and we all want to improve, and most of the time… she is pretty vocal and proud of herself for her own achievements. As they should be! Many people view Crossfit almost as a sport of its own, with different competitions and contests for the members to participate in to show off their progress within the program, and a Crossfit woman is someone who embraces this fully.
How To Become A Crossfit Woman
Guess what? You don’t have to be super ripped and insanely attractive to make the ranks of “Crossfit Women”. It’s really just a concept, and it can be achieved just by dedicating yourself to the fitness program, staying healthy, and immersing yourself into the lively community of other Crossfit members.
It sounds simple, right? Well, you can’t forget that Crossfit is still a fitness program and a fairly demanding one. I cover a lot of diets, exercise plans, and programs for health, and Crossfit isn’t for the faint of heart. The good news is that you’ll definitely see the results you want with the program, and over 15,000 locations make it really easy to find a welcoming community for you.
Who Can Do Crossfit?
Crossfit is a rigorous program… but it’s modified to fit anyone in any sort of shape. Elders and those with injuries or disabilities even participate in the exact same Crossfit programs that skilled athletes do. You could be entirely new to weight lifting and still find a place with the Crossfit family.
Does that surprise you? It really shocked me! What the trainers do is make each workout on a scale, and you will find a way to modify the actions based on your current skill level. If you’re new and out of shape, you start with smaller weights and build yourself up. Can’t do a certain movement? There are ways to modify it so you can do it.
The best part? With as much support as the trainers and members give you, you’ll be able to figure out your own way to get through the workouts. However… that said, even at the easiest level, these courses are hard work, and you’ll be sweating a lot.
Is Crossfit Worth It?
In many ways, yes. Crossfit is worth it, but only for a specific kind of person. Truthfully, you need a lot of time and dedication to give this program to really see it change your life. If you can do that, you’ll see incredible progress you may not have thought possible!
All The Benefits & More
So, what makes Crossfit so popular anyway? I’ve said a lot about how it’s a very difficult and demanding program, but that doesn’t mean it should be overlooked. For the right person, someone who is truly serious about their health and want a happy fitness community to call home, Crossfit has lots of benefits for women.
Weight Loss
Working out this hard and learning how to eat right will absolutely help you slim down to your ideal weight. Crossfit puts a lot of pressure on people to push themselves to the limit, so you may even see results faster with the Crossfit program than others which are more lenient and subtle.
Healthy Lifestyle
Not only will you lose weight, you’ll just feel better. Growing stronger, getting mental clarity with your workouts, finding friends, changing your unhealthy habits, and getting that sense of satisfaction all benefit the way you live positively. There is a reason that those Crossfit women on Instagram are so genuinely happy and healthy!
Amazing Community
Finally, and in my own opinion, Crossfit’s community is what makes it so truly special. These people are so involved and so dedicated to the program that it’s inspiring. You don’t want to let others down, especially not your trainer, so you show up even when you don’t want to. You lift the weights even when it’s hard, and they don’t let you give up.
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